Saturday 2 April 2016

Microchipped Cat

Many cats roam around in the neighborhood from time to time. If your special feline does not come home, then your mind will be at ease because you got your kitty microchipped.

The Benefits of Microchipping

Microchipping is a fairly recent innovation, but it is incredibly useful. If your pet goes missing, then you will be able to find where it is thanks to the microchip. There are plenty of advantages to be gained, so consider it for your furry friend.

Built to Last

Traditional methods of identification involve giving your pet a tag so that people will know your phone number or address. However, these items have the potential to fall off or be removed. A microchip is not going anywhere, so you will not have to worry about being unable to find your pet.

It Is Versatile

Microchips are often used on dogs and cats, but they can be used for practically any pet. If you want your horse, rabbit, ferret or bird to be microchipped, then a veterinarian can do it.

It Is a Simple Procedure

Inserting the microchip is not difficult at all. In fact, your animal will not even have to be given anesthesia to receive it. Once the microchip is inserted, your pet will not even be aware that it is there.

To get peace of mind, you should talk to an experienced veterinarian about getting a microchip for your pet today. Visit this website to find one vet who can offer pet microchipping in Santa Cruz.

Friday 1 April 2016

Prepping Your Pet For The Dentist

When it’s time for your pet’s dental appointment, there are a few things you should do to make the experience easier for your dentist and your pet. Whether it is teeth cleaning or gum surgery, for most visits, anesthesia is required. For your next visit, don’t forget to keep the next few tips in mind.

• Don’t feed your pet for at least eight hours prior to a teeth cleaning. This is to help the anesthesia set in properly, ensuring an uninterrupted procedure.

• Inform your veterinarian of any medications or prior medical conditions your pet may have. The more information you can give the better.

• Before arriving to the dentist, make sure you have walked your pet (if applicable) and that it has relieved itself so as to not cause discomfort after the cleaning.

Taking your pet to the dentist may be a little bit of a chore, but it is essential to the oral health of your pet. Many animals are susceptible to gum disease, making them at risk for further infection and tooth decay. Teeth cleanings are not the most fun experience for pets. However, their dentists will do everything they can to make your pet comfortable and safe. If it has been a while since your pet’s last cleaning, visit this website if you need to schedule vet dental services in San Jose.

Patient Puppies For Toddlers

Dogs aren’t always easy, and if you have toddlers or young children at home, it is important that you find a dog that is patient enough to handle the toddler terror. Some breeds are perfect for a young household.

How To Identify Heartworms In Your Dog

Although heartworms are easy to prevent, they can still be lethal to your dog. Furthermore, a parasitic infection is not always easy to identify, so contact your vet immediately if you notice any of the following signs or symptoms.

Visible Side Effects

One of the easiest ways to tell if your dog has heartworms is to look for physical indications, such as:

• Coughing
• Weight loss
• Rapid breathing
• Swollen chest
• Nose bleeds
• Fainting

Unfortunately, it can take months for these signs to manifest, at which point the parasites will be fully mature.

Changes in Behavior

Your canine companion may also exhibit subtle changes in behavior long before the onset of visible symptoms. Watch your pet carefully for increased laziness or inactivity accompanied by a loss of interest in food or treats.

Veterinary Tests

If your dog does not display any of these signs, a blood test might be necessary to confirm that there is an infection. Veterinarians also use x-rays, ultrasounds and EKGs to check for abnormalities and offer an official diagnosis.

Without proper treatment or preventative care, heartworms can have a devastating effect on the health of your dog. If you would like to find out more about heartworm tests in San Jose, visit this website as soon as possible.

5 Ways to Help Your Dog Have a Good Experience at the Groomer’s

Your dog will be in a different or new environment for possibly several hours. Do him (and your groomer) a favor by letting him go potty before you get more

Four Reasons to Take Your Pet to the Vet

Your pet is a member of your family. As with any family member, you should take your pet to the doctor for regular check-ups to ensure it is living a healthy lifestyle. If you need more persuasion, here are four reasons why it is important to take your pet to the vet.

1. To Ensure Your Pet Is Eating Properly

If your pet is not getting the essential nutrients it needs, then it risks facing potential health risks further down the road. Your veterinarian can tell you what you should be feeding your animal.

2. To Catch Health Issues Early

If your pet is sick, the earlier you catch it the better. With an early diagnosis, your pet will have access to more treatment options.

3. To Get a Teeth Cleaning

Dental hygiene is important in animals, too. Your veterinarian will be able to give your pet a thorough teeth cleaning, keeping your pet’s teeth and gums healthy and strong.

4. To Feel Better

If your pet has been acting strange lately, such as becoming more irritable or lethargic, it may be a sign that your pet is sick. Always visit the vet when you notice unusual behavior.

There’s never a bad time to take your pet to the vet. If you haven’t taken your pet in for check-up in the past year, schedule an appointment at a vet clinic in San Jose today

Adorable Rottweiler

Rottweiler breeds have been misunderstood, and they are definitely not the vicious creatures that people think they are. In fact, they are extraordinarily loyal dogs that can be easily trained and integrated into your home.

Common Dental Problems For Rabbits

Many rabbits develop issues with their teeth, but instinct often prevents any outward signs of discomfort. Although a vet is the only person qualified to administer treatment, it is still important to understand how dental conditions can affect your pet.

Improper Growth

One of the most common problems with domestic rabbits is malocclusion. Incisors that do not lign up properly will grow until they resemble small tusks, making it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. This could also create complications with the operation of the jaw.

Cheek Tooth Spurs

Cheek tooth spurs are another cause for concern, especially for rabbits with misaligned teeth. These small, sharp protrusions leave painful lacerations inside the mouth and can eventually lead to a life-threatening condition known as ileus.

Fractures and Infections

As rabbits age, their bones become more fragile, much like those of a human. As a result, they are highly susceptible to fractures and infections as well as loose teeth. Older rabbits also tend to struggle with overgrown tooth roots, which could ultimately damage their eyesight.

Fortunately, routine checkups with your vet can help you identify these three problems before they get too serious. Don't ignore the oral health of your pet! Visit this website for additional information about rabbit dental service in San Jose.

How to Keep Your Dog's Smile Pearly White

A whopping 80% of dogs and cats will show signs of periodontal disease, including red and swollen gums, bad breath, pain, and tooth loss. Small and mid-sized dog breeds are especially more

5 Ways To Make Your Senior Dog More Comfortable

If you own an elderly pet, you are probably aware that they require a little extra love and care. Luckily, these five easy adjustments will make your senior dog more comfortable and prevent unnecessary illness or injury.


It is important for older dogs to have a soft, cushioned bed to support and protect their bones. You should also place the bed at floor level and include any favorite toys or blankets.


The bed is not the only thing that needs to be accessible. Consider a collapsible ramp for climbing into the car or install a doggy door for more frequent bathroom breaks.


Senior dogs do not need extensive outdoor exercise. Instead, limit your activity to a daily neighborhood walk or a leisurely game of fetch.


Older dogs frequently have trouble regulating their body temperature. Find a pet store that sells sweaters or raincoats to keep your pooch warm and dry.

Dental Care

Schedule regular dental cleanings for your dog to avoid painful gum infections or lost teeth. Senior dogs are more susceptible to these problems due to a natural deterioration of bone density over time.

In the end, these five simple steps will allow your pet to age comfortably at your side. To find a senior dog vet in San Jose, visit this website today.